class HTS::Bam

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class HTS::Hts

close close, closed? closed?, file_format file_format, file_format_version file_format_version, rewind rewind, seek(offset) seek, set_threads(n) set_threads, tell tell, to_unsafe to_unsafe

Macros inherited from class HTS::Hts

define_getter(name) define_getter, define_iterator(name) define_iterator

Constructor Detail

def : Path | String, mode : String = "r", index = "", fai = "", threads : Int32 = 0, build_index = false) #

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Class Method Detail

def : Path | String, mode = "r", index = "", fai = "", threads = 0, build_index = false) #

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def : Path | String, mode = "r", index = "", fai = "", threads = 0, build_index = false, &) #

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Instance Method Detail

def <<(record) #

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def build_index(index_name, min_shift = 0) #

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def chrom #

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def cigar #

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def close #

[View source]
def each(copy = false, &) #
Description copied from module Enumerable(HTS::Bam::Record)

Must yield this collection's elements to the block.

[View source]
def each_chrom(&) #

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def each_cigar(&) #

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def each_flag(&) #

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def each_insert_size(&) #

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def each_mapq(&) #

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def each_mate_chrom(&) #

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def each_mate_pos(&) #

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def each_pos(&) #

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def each_qname(&) #

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def each_qual(&) #

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def each_seq(&) #

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def fai=(fai) #

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def file_name : String #

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def finalize #

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def flag #

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def header : HTS::Bam::Header #

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def header=(header) #

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def index_loaded? #

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def insert_size #

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def isize #

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def load_index(index_name = "") #

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def mapq #

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def mate_chrom #

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def mate_pos #

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def mode : String #

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def mpos #

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def nthreads : Int32 #

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def pos #

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def qname #

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def qual #

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def query(region, &) #

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def seq #

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def write(record) #

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def write_header(header) #

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